National Insurance Contributions (NICs) – November 2017 Budget Report

2018/19 Employee
Class 1
Payable on weekly earnings of:
    Below £116 (lower earnings limit) Nil
    £116 – £162 (primary threshold) *0%
    Up to £162 (secondary threshold) Nil
    Above £162 13.8%
    £162.01 – £892 (upper earnings limit) **12%
    £162.01 – £892 (under 21s and apprentices under 25) 0%
    Above £892 **2%
*No NICs are actually payable but notional Class 1 NIC is deemed to have been paid; this protects contributory benefit entitlement.
**Over State Pension age, the employee contribution is generally nil.
Employment Allowance Up to £3,000 (per year)
Class 1A On relevant benefits 13.8%
Class 2 Self employed £2.95 per week
Small profits threshold £6,205 per annum
Class 3 Voluntary £14.65 per week
Class 4 Self employed on annual profits
£8,424 – £46,350 *9%
Excess over £46,350 *2%
*Exemption applies if state pension age was reached by 6 April 2018.

In a change to the date originally announced, Class 2 NICs are set to be abolished from April 2019.

As previously announced, the government will no longer proceed with an increase to the main rate of Class 4 NICs from 9% to 10% in April 2018, and to 11% in April 2019.