National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage – Budget Report 8 March 2017

National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage

As announced in the Autumn Statement 2016, the National Minimum Wage (NMW) and the National Living Wage (NLW) will increase from April 2017. The government accepted all of the Low Pay Commission’s recommendations for the NMW, and the new hourly rates are outlined below.

Apprentices* 16 and 17 18 – 20 21 – 24 25 and over
National Minimum Wage £3.50 £4.05 £5.60 £7.05
National Living Wage £7.50

*Under 19, or 19 or over and in the first year of their apprenticeship.

The government has now aligned the NMW and NLW cycles so that any future increases in rates will occur in April each year.