Viewing posts in category 'save tax'

paying less tax

The Definitive Guide to Paying Less Tax

Nobody likes paying tax but it is something almost all of us have to do. We would all like to pay a little less tax to the tax authorities but we often overlook simple ways of doing so. It doesn’t help that the UK tax rules are complicated but, fortunately, there are a variety of easy ways that you could reduce your annual tax bill. Whether you are an individual employee or a business… Continue Reading
Posted By Philip Woolfson
5 Accounting Mistakes made by small businesses

10 Tips To Save Tax

We all like to save tax and there are many simple ways to do so whether you are a higher rate tax payer or not. Here are 10 of our current favourites:

 #1 Choose a Low CO2 Emission Company Car

The carbon dioxide emission level of a company car determines the amount of tax you will have to pay – the car benefit charge. This car benefit charge is calculated by multiplying the cost of the ca… Continue Reading
Posted By Philip Woolfson