Viewing posts in category 'business plan'

Writing a Business Plan

The Key Elements of a Basic Business Plan

The thought of preparing a business plan can be a daunting prospect for many business owners or those about to start up a new business and some small businesses, particularly if they do not require a bank loan, never write one at all. But preparing a thorough business plan has been shown to increase profits because it provides direction for the business but also reveals opportunitie… Continue Reading
Posted By Philip Woolfson
Accountants Business Plan

Why Your Company Needs a Good Business Plan

Some recent surveys have indicated that there is a correlation for small businesses between having a business plan and the profits they make. This suggests that any SME without a business plan could be losing out on potential profits. That may seem quite a surprising assessment but significantly more companies with a business plan made a profit than those companies that did not ha… Continue Reading
Posted By Philip Woolfson